A cartoon without words by the renowned Czech animator Zdeněk Miler (known for his Mole character). The screening will be accompanied by live music with ancient instruments. Miler created the seven charming "Cricket" (Cvrček) episodes in the late 1970s around the character of a violin playing cricket. It wanders through the forest and meets different animals and musical instruments.
The delicate music that complements the wonderful world of the film was composed especially for this production by The French composer Etienne Meyer. The music will be played as a live soundtrack on the sides of the screen by a trio of unusual instruments: cornet, viola da gamba and psaltery.
The show originated in France, where it has been performing since 2014, and it includes a short conversation with the musicians in which they will introduce the young audience members to the ancient and rare musical instruments. A magical experience for children and adults.
Musicians: Nadav Ovadia, Alma Meir Nir, Sonia Binenfeld Navot
Animation by Zdeněk Miler
Music by Etienne Meyer
The show is supported by the Czech Center Tel Aviv.
Approx. 50 minutes. For ages 4+
Photo by Yoel Levy