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Development By Outright

Persona Non Grata

אוסטריה / 2024 / Length: 93

  • חופשי למנויים
Director: Antonin Svoboda
With: גרטי דראסל, מאיה אונגר, לוקאס מיקו
Language: German; English and Hebrew subtitles

Andrea, a former ski athlete, faces numerous challenges following her husband's death. Her relationships with her parents and her daughter Sarah have always been strained, and she must confront her grief alone. With the rise of the #MeToo movement, Andrea decides to give an interview about her past as a young professional skier. She exposes structures of authoritarianism within sports systems and instances of abuse. The interview sparks a media storm, and her family distances themselves from her. However, more and more people begin to support her claims against the sports establishment. This is the story of an extraordinary woman and her journey to liberation, inspired by true events.

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כתב העת סינמטק

עוד בכתב העת סינמטק

דבר המערכת – גיליון מקוון אוגוסט 2022

סינמטק /  13.01.2025

גיליון זה מוקדש כולו לפסטיבל ה-75 בקאן. בעיני רבים נחשב פסטיבל זה לאירוע הקולנועי המרכזי של השנה, ומידע


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