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Development By Outright

A Whole Life

אוסטריה / 2023 / Length: 108

  • חופשי למנויים
Director: Hans Steinbichler
With: סטפן גורסקי, אוגוסט זירנר, יוליה פרנץ ריכטר
Language: German; English and Hebrew subtitles

An epic spanning many decades, adapted from the bestseller by Robert Seethaler. At the beginning of the 20th century, young orphan Andreas is sent to live with his uncle on a farm in a remote valley. The uncle treats him not as family but as a laborer, and Andreas endures a childhood devoid of warmth, filled with cruelty and hard labor. Only at the age of 18 does he find the courage to leave his oppressor. Despite suffering a disability caused by his uncle's abuse, he finds work as a carpenter and works on an invention that will launch Alpine tourism. He builds a home and finds love, but his good life is abruptly interrupted by World War II when he is drafted into the Wehrmacht and sent to fight on the Russian front. When he returns to the valley at the war's end, the world has changed beyond recognition.

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כתב העת סינמטק

עוד בכתב העת סינמטק

דבר המערכת – גיליון מקוון אוגוסט 2022

סינמטק /  13.01.2025

גיליון זה מוקדש כולו לפסטיבל ה-75 בקאן. בעיני רבים נחשב פסטיבל זה לאירוע הקולנועי המרכזי של השנה, ומידע


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